What are the spring/summer 2021 colors?

Pantone, the world-renowned authority on colour, has published its annual report, which lists the top 10 standout shades for Spring/Summer 2021. Are you curious to discover them? Here they are below in all their glory!

However, just knowing what the colours are isn't enough! We are certain that if you're reading this article, you're seeking an answer to the important question:

How to combine the S/S 2021 colours?

For anyone who doesn't yet know, let us begin by saying that cashmere garments are perfect even during warmer weather. This is because the thermoregulatory properties of cashmere allow you to stay cool when
temperatures rise!

At Dalle Piane Cashmere, we recommend that you first turn your attention to garments such as our stolescardigans and maxi pullovers. These simple and versatile garments are ideal for spending a day in the mountains or covering up on the beach as the sun goes down.


So how do you combine them?

In spring, for example, you could create an outfit with our blue cardigan - a shade that closely resembles Pantone's Cerulean - combining it with cream trousers and our cream cashmere stole. Believe us, the overall look is exceptional!

In summer, however, when the temperatures rise even higher, perhaps you could enjoy an aperitif on the beach; our pink maxi pullover - very similar to Burnt Coral - is absolutely perfect to be worn over your swimsuit 👙
Certainly, there are no limits to your imagination, so take a look at our online store: you'll undoubtedly find the perfect garment to add to your Spring/Summer 2021 wardrobe!