Starting again by focusing on Made in Italy

Writer T.S. Eliot wrote in his masterpiece "The Waste Land" that "April is the cruellest month", and this has been particularly true for us this year.

The health emergency caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), which started last February, has turned our lives upside down in unexpected ways, forcing us to radically change our daily habits and putting many Italian small and medium enterprises to the test.

The shutdown of non-essential production and commercial activities has affected all sectors, from the food industry to tourism, up to the fashion sector, which alone represents the second-largest industry in Italy. The entire production chain is suffering great repercussions; precisely for this reason, an appeal has been launched on the web to support Made in Italy in order to restart by ourselves and preserve the economic and manufacturing structure of the country, which is our prosperity and our added value.  

Each of us can make a difference by buying local products or choosing Italian locations as a destination for the next summer holidays, as soon as it becomes possible to move freely in the area.

We at Dalle Piane Cashmere have also had to stop production temporarily, but through our online shop, we continue to sell the garments produced so far. As an incentive, we decided to activate the ITALY10 discount code, valid for purchases throughout the entire catalogue, to be entered at the time of payment to obtain a 10% reduction on the final price.

With physical stores closed, e-commerce sites are currently the only showcase that allows businesses to continue to operate, in the hope that it will soon be possible to return to normal.